
The Triple Threat Academy Portal

We are looking forward to creating an incredible Triple Threat Academy showcase. Over the course of this program, participants will learn and strengthen theatrical fundamental skills that translate to everyday life.

This portal is designed to keep you informed of all that is happening during the showcase process. It will also serve as a place to access resources, forms, and any updates to logistics and schedules.

Program Dates and Details Print Out!


LOCATION: Berkeley Elementary School GYM, 351 Bloomfield Ave, Bloomfield, NJ 07003
TIME: 3:30-5:00 PM ET
February 23
March 1, 8, 15, 22
April 12, 19, 26
May 3, 10, 17, 23* (This rehearsal was rescheduled from 5/24/24)


Thursday, May 30th from 4:15 - 6:15 PM ET*


Friday, May 31st at 6:00 PM ET.
Doors open at 5:45 PM ET for friends and family. Participants will be called to the theater at 4:15 PM ET.
DRESS REHEARSAL AND SHOWCASE LOCATION: Westwood Regional High School, The Hurley Theater, 701 Ridgewood Rd, Township of Washington, NJ 07676
*Denotes NOT a Friday.

DRESS REHEARSAL/PRODUCTION NOTE: Please provide your child with a substantial snack for the extended Dress Rehearsal on Thursday, May 30th. mainstages will be providing a Pizza Cast Party on Friday, May 31st prior to the showcase performance.

Important Forms:

The forms below should be completed and handed to the Theater Director on the first day of rehearsal.

Actor's Contract Showcase Audition Form



Triple Threat Academy

Rehearsal Tracks:

The following tracks (with vocals) are great for practicing at home. These are the same tracks used during the rehearsal process.

Choreography Videos: